Coffee Tea Cacao Russian Expo.

International exhibition and conference of coffee, tea, chocolate and cocoa

16-18 April 2025

Moscow, Timiriazev Center

Coffee Tea Cacao Expo


the main industry event in the field of coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, cafes (fast food segment). The event includes: an exhibition, a conference program, educational seminars and master classes, tastings, professional competitions for baristas, roasters and tea masters.
Over the course of three days, the following will gather at the site:

  • manufacturers of equipment and packaging for the production of coffee, tea and chocolate
  • suppliers of green coffee, tea raw materials and cocoa beans
  • farmers and plantation owners
  • coffee roasters
  • suppliers of equipment for coffee shops, cafes, bars and restaurants
  • suppliers of milk, baked goods, syrups and other ingredients
  • distributors
  • coffee shop and specialty retail owners
  • confectioners and chocolatiers
  • baristas
  • tea masters

We share the latest information from the best Russian and foreign experts, talk about trends and tendencies, create an opportunity for communication and new acquaintances.

Coffee Tea Cacao Expo

250+ exhibitors

Suppliers of raw materials, equipment, accessories, freshly roasted coffee, exclusive tea varieties, bean-to-bar chocolate, cocoa, manufacturers of bakery and confectionery products

15,000+ professional visitors

Manufacturers, distributors, retail and wholesale suppliers, representatives of the HoReCa segment (coffee shops, bars, restaurants), specialized stores, baristas and tea masters

150+ мероприятий

Аналитика, обзоры, круглый столы, презентации и дегустации для профессионалов, занимающихся кофе, чаем, какао и шоколадом, работающих в кофейных или чайных заведениях, а также планирующих начать свой бизнес

150+ events

Analytics, reviews, round tables, presentations and tastings for professionals involved in coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate, working in coffee or tea establishments, and also planning to start their own business

7400+ square meters

Exhibition, educational program, contact bars, tasting areas, roasting factory, tea and coffee championships

business event for:

business development

related to coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate, coffee shops, tea houses, cafes and restaurants

  • owners and managers of coffee shops, cafes and restaurants
  • distributors
  • e-commerce
  • coffee production technologists
  • tea production technologists
  • chocolate production technologists
  • anyone interested in how to start a business in the field of coffee, tea, chocolate

increasing profitability

for direct contacts with suppliers and distributors

  • producers of green coffee, tea raw materials, cocoa beans
  • coffee machines, coffee grinders, boilers and other brewing equipment
  • premium tea, coffee, chocolate
  • coffee roasting equipment
  • packaging and packaging solutions
  • tableware and accessories for tea, coffee, chocolate
  • ingredients for production
  • solutions for water treatment and purification equipment
  • suppliers of milk, confectionery

marketers and analysts

those interested in up-to-date information for

  • analysis of trends and tendencies
  • search for new products
  • live communication with industry experts
  • search for innovative solutions
  • exchange of experience

baristas, tea masters and chocolatiers

for participation in professional competitions

  • national award "Barista of the Year"
  • national award "Roaster of the Year"
  • Tea Masters Cup championship
  • Matcha Latte Battle championship
  • national award "Chocolate of the Year"
  • Choco Latte Battle
  • Aeropress Battle
  • Insane Latte Art

industry professionals

who do not want to miss the opportunity to visit the main industry event for

  • Get fresh analytical data from experts
  • Gain new knowledge and broaden your horizons
  • Make new useful contacts
  • Exchange real-life experiences
  • Learn about new innovative business solutions
  • Chat with experts
  • Get acquainted with new products
  • Participate in tastings
  • Get to know how the equipment works
  • Get coffee as a gift, roasted in front of you at a real roasting factory
  • Get bright emotions and a positive charge

start up the business

who want to see key events with their own eyes

  • Exhibition of new products and trends in the field of coffee, tea and chocolate
  • Round tables and discussions
  • Master classes from key experts
  • Roasters' factory
  • Professional tastings and contact bars
  • Professional competitions for baristas, roasters, tea masters, chocolatiers
  • Awarding of the best packaging in the field of coffee, tea and chocolate
  • Awarding the person of the year in the field of coffee and tea
  • Awarding the best national projects

Exhibition program

Educational sites and activities

PRO Business

a platform for analytical sessions and round tables on the topics of economics, promotion, innovation and business management

Drinks Stage

an interactive platform dedicated to recipes and drink preparation practices


an interactive platform dedicated to recipes and technologies for working with baked goods, desserts and chocolate

Coffee Crossing

Participants can exchange their roasted coffee for other participants' lots

Competitions for coffee roasters, baristas and tea masters

Barista of Year

National award take part

Matcha Latte Battle

making tea with milk take part

Chocolate Battle

preparation of cocoa-based drinks take part

Aeropress Battle

making filter coffee using the original Aeropress coffee maker take part

Insane Latte Art

independent championship in creating drawings on coffee take part

Tea Preparation

tea preparation Tea Masters Cup take part

Tea Tasting

tea tasting Tea Masters Cup take part


чемпионат по сенсорике на натуральных ароматах.

Industry awards

Chocolate of Year

competition among Russian chocolate manufacturers take part

Packaging of the Year

competition for the best packaging for coffee, tea, herbal teas and chocolate submit an application

Project of the Year

competition for the best completed project that has made a significant contribution to the development of the industry submit an application

Person of the Year

award for contribution to the coffee and tea industries submit a nominee

Tasting areas

Coffee Bar

for preparing espresso and coffee based drinks using alternative methods

Tea Room

for conducting tastings of tea and tea drinks

Choco Bar

for tasting cocoa and chocolate

Cocktail Bar

for mixology experiments

Roasters House

coffee cuppings from Russian roasters and green coffee bean traders

Want become a speaker or conduct a seminar?

fill out the form and we will contact you

fill out the form


Exhibition news

Отборочный чемпионат Бариста года в Брянске!

Отборочный чемпионат Бариста года в Брянске!

Чемпионат состоится в рамках мероприятия Брянский Кофейный Фестиваль.
Итоги отборочного чемпионата «Бариста Года» в Абакане.

Итоги отборочного чемпионата «Бариста Года» в Абакане.

25 декабря в рамках «Второго Сибирского кофейного чемпионата ESSPERTO» прошел отборочный тур, в котором приняли участие 9 бариста. read more...
Итоги отборочного чемпионата «Бариста Года» в Краснодаре.

Итоги отборочного чемпионата «Бариста Года» в Краснодаре.

13 декабря в рамках «Бариста Юга сезон 2024-2025» прошел отборочный чемпионат, в котором приняли участие 15 бариста. read more...
Итоги отборочного чемпионата «Бариста Года» в Иркутске.

Итоги отборочного чемпионата «Бариста Года» в Иркутске.

С радостью объявляем результаты отборочного этапа, прошедшего в рамках «Байкальский форум: кофе, чай и дикоросы 2024» в Иркутске! read more...

Photo and video report

Video of the exhibition

Coffee Tea Cacao Russian Expo 2024

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Impressions of the exhibition

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Photos of the exhibition

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